Cara's Corner

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

a few days later

The first pic was two days later, the second pic is four days later.
So I Finally let Conner see me. I covered the bottom half of my face and told him to not be scared. He looked scared and said,"I need my dada"
After that I decided to give him a call. I called him from my cell and told him I looked funny with medicine on my face and that I was not hurting. He was ok after that. He is really sweet about getting me food & presents that "help to make you feel better" He is truly the light of my life. I would hug him all day if my face didn't gross him out too much. More bruises are surfacing around my mouth, but the swelling is going down. Hopefully I can switch from shiny-face ointment to more human looking lotion in a day or two. Thanks for all of your support and love. I will post again in a couple of days.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Day After

I came out of surgery at about 3 pm on Friday. I was in pain and comforted by knowing my sister kim was there for the enitire procedure & hubby Bob was there when I came out. Kim Has stayed with me since surgery. She is taking great of me helping me understand what I'm going through. I haven't let Conner or Emma see me yet, I think it could really traumatize them. I'm hoping the swelling be down enough by monday that I can play with my kids again.